

1. 电话怎么留言?

1) Voice mail is starting to replace answering machines. The popularity of voice mail has come about because of its many benefits. The main advantages are:电话留言机正在取代电话应答机。电话留言机的普及是因为它具有很多的好处。它的主要优势有以下几点:
a) Voice mail records messages when you are out of the office.
b) You can make separate messages for separate callers.
c) You can check your voice mail from remote locations.
2) Calling cards are cards with numbers on them. The number codes are read by the phone when the entire card is put in or "swiped." Once a month the calling card company will send you a bill.电话卡是一些带有号码的卡。当你把电话卡全部插进电话机或是“刷卡”的时候,电话机就可以读取这些代码。每个月,电话卡公司都会给你送去话费单。
3) Calling cards can be used on a friend's home phone or any private as well as any public phone. If there is no card slot, you will just have to type in the code yourself.你可以在朋友家或任何私人场合或公共场合的电话使用电话卡。如果没有插卡槽,你就得自己输入卡号。
4) Calling cards are cheaper than putting change into a public phone. They are a lot cheaper than calling collect.使用电话卡比使用公共电话便宜。比对方付费的电话便宜得多。
5) A phone card is different, as it is only a one-use card. You must also pay in advance to use a phone card.还有一种电话卡与上述的电话卡不同。因为它是一次性电话卡,因此,你得先付费才能使用。
Gordon's voice mail: Hi, this is Gordon, I am not in the office at the moment. You have reached Gordon's voicemail. If you are calling for an appointment, press 1. If your are calling from IBM, press 2. If you are making a personal, call press 3.
Beth: I need an appointment, so I'll press number 1.
Gordon: You have chosen number 1, an appointment.
Beth: That is correct.
Gordon: Welcome to the appointment section. If you want an appointment this week, press 1. If you want an appointment after this week, press 2.
Beth: I need an appointment this week, so I will press 1.
Gordon: You have chosen an appointment for this week. After the beep, please leave a message including your name and contact info. Press the pound (#) key when you are finished.
Beth: Hello, I am Beth Kelly. I need an appointment ASAP to talk with you about the media contract. Call me at 410-555-1212. Thanks for your time. Now I will press the pound key. (#)
Gordon: Thank you for leaving a message. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.


2. 怎么样使用来电留言

1) Voice mail is starting to replace answering machines. The popularity of voice mail has come about because of its many benefits. The main advantages are:电话留言机正在取代电话应答机。电话留言机的普及是因为它具有很多的好处。它的主要优势有以下几点:
a) Voice mail records messages when you are out of the office.
b) You can make separate messages for separate callers.
c) You can check your voice mail from remote locations.
2) Calling cards are cards with numbers on them. The number codes are read by the phone when the entire card is put in or "swiped." Once a month the calling card company will send you a bill.电话卡是一些带有号码的卡。当你把电话卡全部插进电话机或是“刷卡”的时候,电话机就可以读取这些代码。每个月,电话卡公司都会给你送去话费单。
3) Calling cards can be used on a friend's home phone or any private as well as any public phone. If there is no card slot, you will just have to type in the code yourself.你可以在朋友家或任何私人场合或公共场合的电话使用电话卡。如果没有插卡槽,你就得自己输入卡号。
4) Calling cards are cheaper than putting change into a public phone. They are a lot cheaper than calling collect.使用电话卡比使用公共电话便宜。比对方付费的电话便宜得多。
5) A phone card is different, as it is only a one-use card. You must also pay in advance to use a phone card.还有一种电话卡与上述的电话卡不同。因为它是一次性电话卡,因此,你得先付费才能使用。
Gordon's voice mail: Hi, this is Gordon, I am not in the office at the moment. You have reached Gordon's voicemail. If you are calling for an appointment, press 1. If your are calling from IBM, press 2. If you are making a personal, call press 3.
Beth: I need an appointment, so I'll press number 1.
Gordon: You have chosen number 1, an appointment.
Beth: That is correct.
Gordon: Welcome to the appointment section. If you want an appointment this week, press 1. If you want an appointment after this week, press 2.
Beth: I need an appointment this week, so I will press 1.
Gordon: You have chosen an appointment for this week. After the beep, please leave a message including your name and contact info. Press the pound (#) key when you are finished.
Beth: Hello, I am Beth Kelly. I need an appointment ASAP to talk with you about the media contract. Call me at 410-555-1212. Thanks for your time. Now I will press the pound key. (#)
Gordon: Thank you for leaving a message. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

3. 手机打电话如何设置留言?





4. 电话留言












5. 如何使用电话留言

1) Voice mail is starting to replace answering machines. The popularity of voice mail has come about because of its many benefits. The main advantages are:电话留言机正在取代电话应答机。电话留言机的普及是因为它具有很多的好处。它的主要优势有以下几点:
a) Voice mail records messages when you are out of the office.
b) You can make separate messages for separate callers.
c) You can check your voice mail from remote locations.
2) Calling cards are cards with numbers on them. The number codes are read by the phone when the entire card is put in or "swiped." Once a month the calling card company will send you a bill.电话卡是一些带有号码的卡。当你把电话卡全部插进电话机或是“刷卡”的时候,电话机就可以读取这些代码。每个月,电话卡公司都会给你送去话费单。
3) Calling cards can be used on a friend's home phone or any private as well as any public phone. If there is no card slot, you will just have to type in the code yourself.你可以在朋友家或任何私人场合或公共场合的电话使用电话卡。如果没有插卡槽,你就得自己输入卡号。
4) Calling cards are cheaper than putting change into a public phone. They are a lot cheaper than calling collect.使用电话卡比使用公共电话便宜。比对方付费的电话便宜得多。
5) A phone card is different, as it is only a one-use card. You must also pay in advance to use a phone card.还有一种电话卡与上述的电话卡不同。因为它是一次性电话卡,因此,你得先付费才能使用。
Gordon's voice mail: Hi, this is Gordon, I am not in the office at the moment. You have reached Gordon's voicemail. If you are calling for an appointment, press 1. If your are calling from IBM, press 2. If you are making a personal, call press 3.
Beth: I need an appointment, so I'll press number 1.
Gordon: You have chosen number 1, an appointment.
Beth: That is correct.
Gordon: Welcome to the appointment section. If you want an appointment this week, press 1. If you want an appointment after this week, press 2.
Beth: I need an appointment this week, so I will press 1.
Gordon: You have chosen an appointment for this week. After the beep, please leave a message including your name and contact info. Press the pound (#) key when you are finished.
Beth: Hello, I am Beth Kelly. I need an appointment ASAP to talk with you about the media contract. Call me at 410-555-1212. Thanks for your time. Now I will press the pound key. (#)
Gordon: Thank you for leaving a message. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.


6. 如何使用电话留言

    下载完成之后,在登录页面注册。注册成功后,点击激活微留言。 这里大家可以放心,点击激活的时候会拨打电话号码,不过这个拨号过程是免费的。其实他是在拨打呼转号码,实现对没有接到的电话呼叫转移到留言信箱。
    OK,拿另外一部电话打自己使用微留言的手机号吧。  挂机或者不接电话,就能够感受到这款留言产品了。
  如何使用电话114?  114电话可以查询餐饮、娱乐、家政等各类生活信息;同时还提供酒店预订、机票预订等服务。  114查号台,北方由中国联通经营(116114),南方由中国电信经营(118114),116114是中国联通的“电话导航”业务。  目前北京联通116114已经开通了:酒店预订、机票预订、餐饮预订、教育导航、失物招领、企业总机(企业可以把自己公司的电话登记到116114平台上,之后可以通过116114查询或直接转接到相应的电话)等相关业务。  “教育导航”是中国联合网络通信有限公司联合相关合作方在教育领域内开展的一项增值服务,通过固定电话、手机及互联网为用户提供在线学习辅导和教育资讯等服务。是116114电话导航内,7号键教育导航,唯一实现全国统一按键的栏目版块,极大的丰富了电话导航(114/116114)服务内容,开创了全新的教育行业应用模式,借此全面提升了用户价值。  结合用户需求,“教育导航”目前已经推出:互动家教、天天英语、互动教辅、校园快讯、高考指南五个产品。其中,天天英语版块,为实现全民说英语,搭建了一个极易操作和功能齐全的英语口语交流平台。随着业务的创新发展,未来将并入3G战略,推出更加全方位的服务。  116114给我们的生活带来了便利,餐饮业就是其中一项,为广大消费者提供了详细、便捷的服务。  号码百事通是中国电信在转型过程中推出的新型信息查询服务。  业务于2005年下半年推出,将原114平台的号码查询服务升级为综合号码信息搜索服务。  业务开始初期定位于“语音Google”,产品开发和业务推广过程中,逐步形成4大类12+2项子业务。  四大类业务分别是行业首查、查询转接、信息发布和通信助理。  该业务的推出为全国8亿电话用户提供了随时随地的生活信息查询服务。  无论用户身在何处,只要拨打114就可以查询餐饮、娱乐、家政等各类生活信息。  同时还提供酒店预订、机票预订等服务。
  织梦留言板如何使用  留言板只要能运行,就可以和客户互动,具体点:就是客户输入他想说的内容,作为站长的你,可以收到且也可以有所动作:如在网页上或者别的沟通方式和客户取得实际的联系。就是一种互动接口而已
  如何使用留言簿源程序?  一般留言簿传上去就可以用了  修改一下数据库的地址  具体你的怎么使用还请说明具体的那个留言簿
  如何使用 FrontPage 制作留言板? ?  这些涉及动态的是无法使用FP编辑的,你可以尝试使用ASP.NET,保存的文字可以以文件保存或者SQL数据库里也可以.  比较复杂了...
  如何使用空间留言代码  呐....很简单捏...看到那个留言板高级编辑器木有?把喜欢的留言板代码复制....然后发表...就OK啦
  如何使用电话收音机?  电台实时播放将各地广播电台内容通过电话网络实时地传播给电话收音机用户。用户通过拨打118971进入系统,根据语音导航功能选择不同的频道,就能通过电话收听到相应的电台直播节目内容。  精品点播节目预先把各类语音文件归类整理,例如农业科技信息、相声、歌曲、笑话等语音节目,储存在电话收音机平台,用户可以根据自己的喜好选择收听。  用户在使用过程中,选择了精彩回放功能键后,根据系统提示音输入数字键表示的时间(年月日时分)信息,系统将自动搜索到该时间内所播出过的节目内容并播放给用户收听。  随着电台节目内容的不断增多,用户每次进入选择节目频道时,会面临多次按键选择的麻烦。为了使用户能快速收听到自己喜欢的节目,用户在收听过程中,可以将本次收听的节目设置一个快捷进入码,该码与主叫号码绑定。下次用户收听时,只需要输入自己的快捷进入码,系统即跳过节目选择,直接进入用户喜欢的节目内容收听。  定制推送是在用户设定的时间到达时,由系统自动发起呼叫呼通用户定制的电话号码,主动向用户提供电话听收音机服务。用户要获取该服务的前提是必须预先设置系统外呼的时间和服务内容。谢谢您对电信产品的关注,祝您生活愉快。 如果以上信息没有解决您的问题,也可登录广东电信手机商城(:m.gd.189.),向在线客服求助,7X24小时在线喔!
  如何使用电脑QQ打电话  在QQ上打电话,先点开对方QQ,在最上面有个话筒,点开就可以语音通话了。
  1、登陆一个QQ账号。  2、双击打开需要通话的人。  3、如上图,点击对方头像下面的麦克风图标就可以进行通话了。  4、点击第二个图标还可以进行视频通话哦。  问题处理完成后,您也可以尝试使用腾讯电脑管家,全方位实时保护你的电脑
  1、登陆一个QQ账号。 2、双击打开需要通话的人。 3、如上图,点击对方头像下面的麦克风图标就可以进行通话了。 4、点击第二个图标还可以进行视频通话哦。

7. 如何使用电话留言

1) Voice mail is starting to replace answering machines. The popularity of voice mail has come about because of its many benefits. The main advantages are:电话留言机正在取代电话应答机。电话留言机的普及是因为它具有很多的好处。它的主要优势有以下几点:
a) Voice mail records messages when you are out of the office.
b) You can make separate messages for separate callers.
c) You can check your voice mail from remote locations.
2) Calling cards are cards with numbers on them. The number codes are read by the phone when the entire card is put in or "swiped." Once a month the calling card company will send you a bill.电话卡是一些带有号码的卡。当你把电话卡全部插进电话机或是“刷卡”的时候,电话机就可以读取这些代码。每个月,电话卡公司都会给你送去话费单。
3) Calling cards can be used on a friend's home phone or any private as well as any public phone. If there is no card slot, you will just have to type in the code yourself.你可以在朋友家或任何私人场合或公共场合的电话使用电话卡。如果没有插卡槽,你就得自己输入卡号。
4) Calling cards are cheaper than putting change into a public phone. They are a lot cheaper than calling collect.使用电话卡比使用公共电话便宜。比对方付费的电话便宜得多。
5) A phone card is different, as it is only a one-use card. You must also pay in advance to use a phone card.还有一种电话卡与上述的电话卡不同。因为它是一次性电话卡,因此,你得先付费才能使用。
Gordon's voice mail: Hi, this is Gordon, I am not in the office at the moment. You have reached Gordon's voicemail. If you are calling for an appointment, press 1. If your are calling from IBM, press 2. If you are making a personal, call press 3.
Beth: I need an appointment, so I'll press number 1.
Gordon: You have chosen number 1, an appointment.
Beth: That is correct.
Gordon: Welcome to the appointment section. If you want an appointment this week, press 1. If you want an appointment after this week, press 2.
Beth: I need an appointment this week, so I will press 1.
Gordon: You have chosen an appointment for this week. After the beep, please leave a message including your name and contact info. Press the pound (#) key when you are finished.
Beth: Hello, I am Beth Kelly. I need an appointment ASAP to talk with you about the media contract. Call me at 410-555-1212. Thanks for your time. Now I will press the pound key. (#)
Gordon: Thank you for leaving a message. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.


8. 如何使用电话留言

1) Voice mail is starting to replace answering machines. The popularity of voice mail has come about because of its many benefits. The main advantages are:电话留言机正在取代电话应答机。电话留言机的普及是因为它具有很多的好处。它的主要优势有以下几点:
a) Voice mail records messages when you are out of the office.
b) You can make separate messages for separate callers.
c) You can check your voice mail from remote locations.
2) Calling cards are cards with numbers on them. The number codes are read by the phone when the entire card is put in or "swiped." Once a month the calling card company will send you a bill.电话卡是一些带有号码的卡。当你把电话卡全部插进电话机或是“刷卡”的时候,电话机就可以读取这些代码。每个月,电话卡公司都会给你送去话费单。
3) Calling cards can be used on a friend's home phone or any private as well as any public phone. If there is no card slot, you will just have to type in the code yourself.你可以在朋友家或任何私人场合或公共场合的电话使用电话卡。如果没有插卡槽,你就得自己输入卡号。
4) Calling cards are cheaper than putting change into a public phone. They are a lot cheaper than calling collect.使用电话卡比使用公共电话便宜。比对方付费的电话便宜得多。
5) A phone card is different, as it is only a one-use card. You must also pay in advance to use a phone card.还有一种电话卡与上述的电话卡不同。因为它是一次性电话卡,因此,你得先付费才能使用。
Gordon's voice mail: Hi, this is Gordon, I am not in the office at the moment. You have reached Gordon's voicemail. If you are calling for an appointment, press 1. If your are calling from IBM, press 2. If you are making a personal, call press 3.
Beth: I need an appointment, so I'll press number 1.
Gordon: You have chosen number 1, an appointment.
Beth: That is correct.
Gordon: Welcome to the appointment section. If you want an appointment this week, press 1. If you want an appointment after this week, press 2.
Beth: I need an appointment this week, so I will press 1.
Gordon: You have chosen an appointment for this week. After the beep, please leave a message including your name and contact info. Press the pound (#) key when you are finished.
Beth: Hello, I am Beth Kelly. I need an appointment ASAP to talk with you about the media contract. Call me at 410-555-1212. Thanks for your time. Now I will press the pound key. (#)
Gordon: Thank you for leaving a message. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.