

1. 帮忙翻译成英文吧,谢谢

Education Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) dedicated to education issues.  It is responsible for fundraising and fund management to achieve the social goal of the Foundation.  It serves a very important function for public welfare.  Education Foundation has received recognitions and praises because of its hard work and achievements.

1. Education Foundation is a non-profit NGO.  The Foundation is different from charitable organizations.  The Foundation aims to fund and to promote scientific research, cultural education, social welfare and other aspects of civil society development.

The Foundation’s Mission
The Foundation leverages the diverse contributions from civil society for purposes such as: collecting donations, awarding excellent teachers, promoting an environment where teachers are respected, as well as promoting development of the education sector.  Helping disadvantaged group in the society is also a focus of the Foundation.  Helping poorer students in order for them to complete their education can contribute to social justice and social stability, and this is an important duty of the Foundation.  The main sources of the Foundation’s funding come from individual donations, with support from different levels of government.  

2. Education Foundation is a partner of education projects

3. Education Foundation’s development reflects society’s concern for public welfare

4. Socialist ethics calls for everyone’s attention for public welfare


2. 请高人帮我把这几个英语参考文献翻译成中文~

亚当,乙四,体育肯克尔,和K安德森。 “经济学清洁小麦” 。 j.农业。和resour 。政府经济顾问。 19 ( 1994 ) :280 - 98 。

李鹏飞,四瓦特,和D lueck 。 “寻找棘轮效应在农业合同” 。 j.农业。和resour 。政府经济顾问。 24 ( 1999 ) :536 - 52 。

brorsen ,乙瓦特,瓦特r.补助金,和M. e. rister 。 “经济价值稻米品质的因素” 。酒吧。号公关4202 ,德克萨斯州农业。进出口。站,得克萨斯A & M大学, 1984年6月。

科尔曼女士,美国社会的基础理论。剑桥马:贝克纳普新闻hamard大学出版社, 1990 。

格罗斯曼,美国j. ,和0 。四哈特。 “一分析的委托代理问题” 。 econometrica 51 ( 1983 ) : 746 。

轩尼诗,四答,和汤匙,瓦尔。 “折扣附表和种植者奖励在粮食营销” 。 amer 。 j.农业。政府经济顾问。 79 ( 1997 ) :888 - 901 。

holmstrom , B “的道德风险和obsemability ” 。钟j.政府经济顾问。 10 ( 1979年) :74 - 91 。

肯克尔,体育,和K安德森。 “谁胜,谁输了?报告,大须研究对粮食分级的准确性” 。目前俄克拉何马州的农场经济学69 ( 1996 ) :27 - 36 。

lajili , k. , PJ -巴里,圣松卡,和JT马霍尼。 “农民的偏好作物合约” 。 j.农业。和resour 。政府经济顾问。 22 ( 1997 ) :264 - 80 。

MAS的colell ,甲,米四whinston ,及J r.格林。微观经济理论。纽约:牛津大学出版社,公司, 1995年。

mirrless女士, “的影响,道德风险的最优保险” 。出席会议的荣誉卡尔博创,纽菲尔德学院,挪威的卑尔根, 1979年。

pebe迪亚兹,外汇基金的“精炼美国花生分级制度” 。 unpub 。博士diss ,俄克拉何马州立大学, 1999年12月。

pebe迪亚兹,外汇基金,体重brorsen , Microsoft和安德森,以及体育肯克尔。 “的影响,超重样本及四舍五入级的百分比在花生上的档次和价格” 。花生科学28 ( 2001 ) :9 - 12 。

鲍威尔家,小,羟色胺谢泼德和Fe dowell 。 “一个自动数据收集系统,使用分级的农民股票花生” 。提交的论文在1994年国际冬季会议的赞助,由美国社会的农业工程师( asae ) ,亚特兰大镓, 12月13日至16日1994年。

普雷斯科特,第ES “一引就道德危险模式” 。联邦储备银行里士满经济季刊85 ( 1999 ) :47 - 77 。

shavell ,美国“风险分担和激励机制,在本金和代理人的关系” 。钟j.政府经济顾问。 10 ( 1979年) :55 - 73 。

strausz , r.对激励机制和信息不对称的组织。亚琛,柏林:振动筛出版社, 1998 。

卫奕信,瓦特瓦特,和B的影响达尔。 “质量的不确定性,在国际粮食市场:分析和竞争力的问题” 。牧师农业。政府经济顾问。 21 ( 1999 ) :209 - 24 。

吴, j.-j. ,和B答:贝比考克。 “优化设计一项自愿的绿色付款计划在信息不对称下的” 。 j.农业。和resour 。政府经济顾问。 20 ( 1995 ) :31 - 27 。

3. 我收到一封英文邮件,请帮忙翻译一下

你好,我是夫人玛丽苏珊迪瑞克,我是美国公民,48岁。我居住在这里新Braunfels德州78132。我的住址是这样的。108郭克特法院。303、新Braunfels容易德州、美国、正想把因为我现在有钱。我是一个对那些参加了尼日利亚的补偿了许多年前他们拒绝我的付出,我付出了20,000USD美元,而在美国,试图把我的支付都没有效果。所以我决定沿着尼日利亚文件用我全部的赔偿,我就向符合高级律师斯科特·丹尼尔,谁是国外汇款的奖励委员会,我与他联系,他解释说我的一切。他说谁通过电子邮件联系我们是假的。他带我去了付款银行赔偿我的补偿支付。现在我在地球上最幸福的女人,因为我有收到我的补偿资金1,500,000.00USD美元(1万只美元)。此外,律师斯科特丹尼尔给了我的全部信息那些尚未接到他们的还款,我看到你的名字和电子邮件地址为一体的受益人,所以我决定发电子邮件给你停止处理那些人,他们并不是用你的基金,他们只是赚钱了。我还是建议你与律师斯科特·丹尼尔。你有跟他联系直接与你的。姓名:家庭地址:电话号码:国家:国外汇款的奖的房子大律师斯科特丹尼尔电子邮件:barr_scott_daniel@yahoo.cn电话:+ 234-8137520895你真的必须停止处理那些人认为是联系你,告诉你,你们的基金,它不是在很大程度上跟他们在一起,他们只不过是利用你和他们会干你直到你什么都没有。唯一的钱我花了当我遇上大律师斯科特·丹尼尔只是200美元买那造纸厂,注意。再次接触那些人停止,我还是建议你与律师斯科特丹尼尔,这样他就能帮助你把你的基金,而不是处理那些说谎的人将会把你在问不同种类的钱来完成你的交易。谢谢你,蒙福。夫人玛丽苏珊起重机。108郭克特法院。303、新Braunfels善德克萨斯州,78132美国


4. 翻译及确认谢谢!



5. 英语翻译


    Robert Guei罗伯特-盖伊将军将2800万美元存于我行,他与他的家人因为被控谋划政变未遂而遭到政府军队射杀。原来存款总额为5800万美元,但将军本人生前将一部分花费在了武器进口上。

Philip Kevin. 菲利普-凯文博士


6. 100分~中文翻译成英文~急用,下周2之前都有效

Swedish culture of high-quality, warm hospitality, simple honesty, civilized conversation, behavior rules, emphasis on punctuality Connaught, Sweden attaches great importance to environmental protection, love flowers, bird and other wildlife, nature lovers. Employees each year to enjoy five weeks of paid statutory holidays a year, working five days a week throughout the year a total of 1,500 hours of work. People like to make use of free time to outdoor activities, hiking the forests and fields, picking wild fruits and mushrooms, into the sea to the lake swimming, boating, fishing; short night in the summer day, we have to travel at home and abroad. Sweden has become the world's largest number of travel one of the countries.
More sports-loving Swedes.

Tourist Attractions, Sweden there are two more well-known tourist attractions, a NOBEL'S HOUSE, a palace in Sweden.
Nobel House (Nobel's House) is located in the city of Sweden and Central karlskoga Birch Hill, more than two hundred kilometers away from Stockholm. This is a two-story white buildings, green lawns in front of the building and around each other platyphylla peaceful and quiet environment. Alfred Nobel in 1894 put an end to drift overseas to settle in his return to the motherland, where he spent the last two years of life most of the time. Since he was born in Stockholm, is now home to high-rise buildings have been erected, Birch Hill today became the only Nobel House intact.
Since the establishment of the memorial since 1975, this place has become a tourist attraction and the center of the Nobel academic activities. The annual Nobel Symposium held here from all over the world gather together well-known scientists to explore new fields of science topics and the Nobel, "the benefit of mankind" of academic thought. Nobel Memorial retains his pictures that he acquired a variety of technical invention patent certificate, gold medal, and wills. Nobel's bedroom furnishings are very simple, only the beds, tables and wardrobes, such as a few of the most necessary furniture, and he's all kinds of laboratory apparatus and equipment, while an array.
Nobel October 21, 1833 Health. He was the invention of glycerol detonated sales agents, detonators, explosives and nitroglycerin solid explosives, such as jelly, named "dynamite king" reputation. December 10, 1896, passed away. 63-year-old throughout the year. According to his will, the equivalent of 9.2 million U.S. dollars as part of the estate, the benefit of mankind as an incentive fund of scientific workers. Interest in the fund, divided into physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, peace five kinds of bonuses, each year in the death of the Nobel award on time, said Nobel.
Swedish Royal Palace, is held in celebration of King's office and the local, the main tourist attractions in Stockholm. City Center is located in Stockholm. Built in the 17th century is well-known Swedish architects特里亚尔work. The main entrance from the separation of the two stone lions on either side, two Hongying wearing berets, dressed in medieval costumes armed guards stand, it is mighty guarded. Palace walls there are many fine reliefs, the middle is a big yard. Que southern half of the church and the state Office of the Royal Palace and the North Ballroom of the semi-Que has maintained the original furnishings, is open to the public. Grand palace hall,
Wall hung with a substantial history of the King and Queen's portrait, buried magnetic dome and decorated with beautiful carvings and paintings. It is said that most of the 17th century from the hands of German artists. Some indoor furnishings also the chariot of the ancient weapons, jewelry, gold and silver utensils and hand-held spears, bronze helmets body armor put forward the model of medieval knights. By royal guards at noon every day held a grand old tradition of the changing of the guard ceremony, attracting a large number of tourists. (Or can write a 10-minute read English text, there must be PPT, entitled Sweden. Not a tool or page translation!)
The amount found in the cultural part of my own writing. And the following three have a lot of syntax errors, a look that is engaged in the translation of web sites or tools. Therefore, I am sorry you. The following is a translation of new content: Sweden there are two more well-known tourist attractions, a Nobel's House, a palace in Sweden. Nobel's House is located in the city of Sweden and Central karlskoga Birch Hill, more than two hundred kilometers away from Stockholm. This is a two-story white building, and good green. Nobel Prize in 1894 put an end to drift overseas to settle in his return to the motherland,
Spent here the last two years of his life most of the time. Since he was born in Stockholm, is now home to high-rise buildings have been erected, Birch Hill today became the only Nobel House intact. Since the establishment of the memorial since 1975, this place has become a tourist attraction and the center of the Nobel academic activities. The annual Nobel Symposium held here from all over the world gather together well-known scientists to explore new fields of science topics and the Nobel, "the benefit of mankind" of academic thought. Nobel October 21, 1833 Health. He invented a number of solid explosives and plastic
Like explosives, awarded "explosives King" fame. Swedish Royal Palace, is held in celebration of King's office and the local, the main tourist attractions in Stockholm. City Center is located in Stockholm. Built in the 17th century is well-known Swedish architects特里亚尔work. Imperial Palace, there are many fine works of art, and the royal guards at noon every day交接班ceremony was held, which attracted a large number of tourists

7. 会英语的人帮偶翻译一下吖


我23岁。我想任何人可以becaring ,爱好和家庭oriented.i爱将有一个长期的关系,与你有更多的了解.我想建立一个稳固的基础,与你未来的时候,如果你可能能帮助我在这宗交易。好,我父亲去世早在三个月前离开我的母亲,我和我弟弟少年背后。 


他留下了美元9.5,000.00美元( 900万, 50.0万美元,) ,其中银行这里,我不知道如何和什么,我会做些投资这笔钱到国外所以,我父亲的骨肉也不会采取什么属于我的父亲和我们的家庭,他们被规划做无本我,因为我是女性,正如我们的文化城市。 


我愿向你提供30总额的百分之你,如果你帮助我们找到这笔钱,另外10 %的利息的年收入,你办理这项业务对我们来说,你们将有强烈的绝对控制权。 

我期待听到你尽快通过我的个人电子邮件地址: princess_doukry@yahoo.com更多clearifications 。 

公主esy doukry


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